Your single stop solution for economic impact
At Clear Impact we pack a 1-2 punch. Our excellence in research and strategy helps you interpret information, plan for the big picture, and develop winning strategies. Our full service communications products give you crystal clear communication that work.
Margaret Hastings

Chief Strategist
Margaret is an Adjunct Professor at Schulich School of Business where she teaches strategy and marketing. With over 25 years of experience marketing multi-million dollar national brands such as Cheerios and Shreddies, Margaret brings strong strategic thinking and analytical skills to every project. Her project management skills are legendary.
Josh Emberlin

Extraordinary Design
David Weingarten

Multimedia Magician
A picture paints a thousand words, but a video shows a thousand pictures. As people read less and less, the stories they are told through video inform, persuade and lead to action. David is the mastermind behind breathtaking scenic videos, impactful business attraction videos, and engaging kinetic font videos.
Contact Margaret